A Mother's guide

A Mother's guide for helping physically delayed children play with personal tips and toy reviews.

Monday, May 30, 2011


I am very excited to report that Kai is now working with non-verbal communication devices (switches). I will be adding many more posts on this topic as I learn about it in the future. So far the therapists have given us instructions on how to make our own switch toys. If anyone has made them before I would really appreciate some advice on which toys work the best. Kai’s first communication switch is called a step by step that he taps with his foot and it says “Hi, how are you?” He just lights up with it. There are four different recordings you can use but for his first run I figured I would just use the same message for each until he gets an idea of how it works. The hospital is also letting us use some switch toys (a bubble machine, penguin slide and a remote control lady bug). It is awesome to see Kai playing all on his own. Now I just need to get going on his own switch toys and devices for home.

I also came up with a new idea that I really wish I would have thought about sooner. We have been in the hospital for a long time and many of the nurses and Dr’s get attached to Kai. They visit him and write little messages on his white board. Today I went and bought him a little journal with a cute little pen that has a K on it and I set them down on his tray with a note that reads: Came by to see Kai? Please leave a little note! Thanks. Now I can keep all the little messages for him instead of having to erase them every time.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Kai finally has a partial diagnosis. Do I feel better? Does everything make sense now? No, but it is confirmation of what I already knew. Kai has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. There is no treatment. They tested him for it months ago and the test came back negative. They did a nerve ending test yesterday and with the results of that and his muscle biopsy they now know he does have SMA just not the most common form. They took blood this morning from him to start testing to see which other form he has. The Dr. gave me the news over the phone yesterday. When he was done explaining the results he said, "you win parent of the year award, I have never had a parent stay as calm as you with this kind of news.” I did stay calm but now this morning is a little harder. I don’t understand why it is so hard to get news like this. I already knew where Kai was going. I sure wish I had been wrong though.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poem about Grief

Someone posted this poem as a comment on Life with a severely disabled child. Kai has been in the hospital for months. He arrived a week before Christmas with increased work of breathing which is somewhat routine for him. He has had several previous admits for pneumonia, RSV and Boca Virus. He stays for a week or two and then goes home. What we thought would be the same this time ended up being quite different. He needed suctioning about twice a day when we arrived in Dec. and that was it. Since December he had a Nissen fundoplication done and Botox injected into some of his salivary glands in Jan, started using a BiPAP in Feb, care conferences in early March to discuss the now "Progressive" unknown condition Kai has. We were able to take him home the end of March for two and a half weeks. He was re-admitted April 3rd and had a tracheostomy placed and is now on a ventilator and he just finished his 10 day course of antibiotics for his fourth pneumonia this year. We were planning discharge on June 1st but that might not be working out for him. I relate to this poem so much right now. I really hope Kai stables out soon and I am able to take him home.
Grief by Heather Schichtel
I sit on the park bench eating popcorn and watching young children on the playground. I am enjoying the day, the sun on my face, and the smell of fresh grass.
Randomly I think, I wish Samantha could run and play with these kiddos.
And there it is, the cold hand in my cheesy popcorn; the presence taking up too much space on the park bench, blocking my sunshine. My Grief….
“Really?” I say. “I didn’t invite you. Get your hand out of my cheesy corn.” Instead, I end up having to scoot over, making more room for my Grief.
Grief comes and goes when I least expect it. I’ll be in my car, driving along listening to music and I’ll catch it in the corner of my eye, kicking the back of my seat.
“Hey Heather.”
“Aww crap, what are you doing here?”
“It’s been a while. I thought I would stop in for a visit.”
“Well, make sure you fasten your seatbelt and be quiet. Samantha’s sleeping and I don’t want you to wake her up.”
“Can I change the station?”
“Can I play with the window?”
“No, you can just come along for the ride.”
So we go on the ride together; fingernails thumping on the dashboard as a reminder of who decided to show up today. Yes, I am quite aware of your presence, you don’t need to remind me.
Grief’s appearance used to rattle me, send me into the bathroom, crying hysterically. Render me worthless for a day. Sometimes it still does but as Grief has been established as a consistent visitor in our household, we have drawn up a contract. We have an agreement.
As the mom of Samantha, a child who does not walk or talk, a child who is suffering from a mitochondrial disease, I will grieve. I will grieve for many dreams that will not come to fruition. I will grieve for a life I thought would be different.
I will grieve at times. And I will not grieve at times. I will laugh at times. I will not laugh at times.
Grief can come into our house but is not allowed to stay. If allowed to stay, it would devour the corners of our house. It would suck up the oxygen in the room. It would consume me.
And that is not acceptable.
Grief tends to run within the Special Needs community. I bump into him quite often.
How are you?
My daughter had pneumonia. She is in the hospital on a ventilator.
I look around and see Grief, sitting on the couch, smugly picking at dirty fingernails.
And I meet those who sadly keep very, very close company with this unwanted guest. Grief hangs over them like a shroud. It is hard to laugh. It is hard to love. Because in copious amounts Grief tends to ooze; like a nasty septic wound…draining life from us.
But we still have to laugh, we still have to play, we still have to live….life carries on…
….and on
....and on….
I cannot, at the end of my life say….well, it was long, hard and I was sad.
Surprisingly, our relationship is not based entirely on conflict. My interactions with Grief have allowed me to see myself entirely raw, unprotected, and exposed. At times I feel that I have lost my skin…..yes, here I am. Be careful, that’s my beating heart you see there. Oh no, no, do not touch.
I am no longer afraid to approach others regarding their own tragedies. I bring up the tough conversations. How is your mother? I am sorry for your loss. I am so sorry your daughter is in the hospital. I hug, I cry, I listen. Not because I am an uber-sensitive but because I know Grief sometimes travels alone except when he travels with his favorites… Isolation and Loneliness.
Sometimes Grief shows up at a party…..drinks my wine, eats my last bite of fudgy dessert. It’s an annoyance really but since Grief is not a constant life guest, I have learned to tolerate the time we spend together. Sometimes we even enjoy an introspective moment or two.
We have set the rules and sometimes they are followed. We cannot have a permanent impy, uninvited, grievous house guest...we don't have the room...not in our lives, not in my heart...life is too short and despite the bad things that can happen... life is too sweet.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lush Dream Wash and Cream

Kai had really bad eczema when he was a baby. First I tried soaps for natural skin and then medicated creams. Nothing worked. Then my sister introduced me to Lush, and I tried their Dream wash and cream. It worked great. Kai’s eczema went away completely and it smells great too! I still use it for Kai as his skin soap and shampoo. He gets bumps on his face and arms from laying down most of the day. The Dream wash and cream work really well for the bumps too. If you have a child with skin problems I fully recommend trying this product.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Assistive Technology Info

A few months ago one of Kai's therapists told me about a mother who was researching the use of apps for her child. We talked for awhile on the subject and I have been really curious about the topic for some time. It sounds like a great idea to use computer programs or apps to help Kai communicate and play. I found this blog: atclassroom.blogspot.com and it has some great info on this topic. I can't wait to try some of the gadgets out with Kai. I really hope he can use some of them but I thought I would share the info so others can try with their little one's. Let me know how they do!