A Mother's guide

A Mother's guide for helping physically delayed children play with personal tips and toy reviews.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Media Player

Kai absolutely loves to watch movies now, though he was never interested in them when he was younger. I played them on the TV and he would not pay any attention to it at all. Kai also never paid attention to anything very far away like pictures or wall decor. When Kai had his tracheostomy placed, I could not hold him for 7 days. This was torture for me. All I did before was hold him. I had no way to entertain him besides standing next to him while he lay in his bed. I always felt badly leaving him because he would just lay there with a picture on the ceiling and a light up fish tank next to him, that I think he didn't even really care for. One day I was messing with my iPod and downloaded a Netflix app and thought maybe he would watch a movie from the iPod. I taped it to one of his crib toys, and he was smiling away. After a few weeks of using the iPod we knew just how much he loved to watch movies, so his grandparents bought him a media player.

It is so great for Kai. We initially thought about getting a flat screen to put above his bed or something but I wanted him to be able to watch movies from any position. It wouldn't be good for Kai to stay on his back for long periods throughout the day. Kai currently spends the majority of his time in bed and is rotated on each side and back every 2 to 3 hours. We needed something that we could move around with him. The media player's screen swivels all the way around and forward so Kai can watch his movies on his side or back.

Kai's grandparents also bought us the cords used to hook the media player up to my iPod so he can watch movies using Netflix too. Now Kai has favorites and everything. I guess I just never got a screen close enough for him to really be able to watch. I feel so much better leaving him for awhile to eat or get things done knowing he is finally being entertained.

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