A Mother's guide

A Mother's guide for helping physically delayed children play with personal tips and toy reviews.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Kai was finally discharged from the hospital on June 7th. So far he is doing great. I really hope he is able to stay home for a while. He had quite the home coming. The fire department showed up to meet him and his nurses were waiting with presents. It was very sweet. We set up his room in the dining area. Easier access to him and he has a great view! You know you have a special needs child when their room is in the dining area.  I haven't been home in so long I forgot how nice it feels. One of Kai's nurses and I even took Kai out for a walk yesterday. It was really nice. I hope we are able to take him on walks often.  

On our way out of the hospital one of the friends I made there said "It is just crazy how you are leaving to go home just to put Kai on all of the same equipment that he is on here". I have been thinking about this recently. When Kai was younger, he would get sick and be admitted for a week or so and then go home when he was better. It is hard to deal with his progression now. We went to the hospital and he never got better. We just have to learn how to care for him now and basically run a hospital in our home. It's just a very different situation to deal with. It took me a long time to realize this and be comfortable with taking him home.

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